PPWC History
The Pacific Palisades Woman’s Club (PPWC) originated in 1925 with the name The Forum. When the Club joined the federal and state Federation of Women’s Clubs in 1926, the name was officially changed to the Pacific Palisades Woman’s Club. In 1935, the Pacific Palisades Junior Women’s Club (PPJWC) was organized under the sponsorship of the PPWC (in particular, under the direction of Mrs. R. J. Morrison, who was the president of the PPWC).
The Club purchased one and a half lots of land formerly known as All Hallows Farm adjacent to the We Boys Club (now Aldersgate) at 901 Haverford in 1942. The construction and dedication of the Clubhouse occurred 1948 – 1951. During 1951-1965, the Club raised money and made improvements to the Clubhouse. By 1965, all the loans were paid off and the Clubhouse was owned entirely by the PPWC. In 1973, the Club bought the land that bordered Temescal Canyon, which today is the lower parking lot. Today, our property consists of three irregularly shaped lots and our much treasured Clubhouse.
In 1970, the PPWC and PPJWC became separate organizations. The two Clubs, however, continued to work on many joint projects. For example, in 1982, for the 60th anniversary of Pacific Palisades, NBC broadcast an afternoon show that included members of both clubs participating in a fashion show showcasing 1920’s clothing.
In 2007, PPWC began its withdrawal from the Federation of Women’s Clubs. In the subsequent two years, they became a 501(c)(3) organization. The withdrawal of PPWC from the Federation of Women’s Clubs and their conversion to a 501(c)(3) status were two powerful impetuses for the rejoining of the PPWC and PPJWC. This reunification of the two Clubs occurred in 2012 under the leadership of Tricia Grossman and Trish Bowe.
Past PPWC Presidents
1925 Mrs. Lillian Taylor
1926 Mrs. Bessie Webb
1928 Mrs. D. McKenzie
1929 Mrs. Jack Maurer
1930 Mrs. Pearl Brittain
1931 Mrs. F. S. Sedding
1933 Mrs. Rex Wilson
1935 Mrs. R. J. Morrison
1937 Mrs. J. R. Burriston
1939 Mrs. Paul Spring
1940 Mrs. Anna Croft
1942 Mrs. Phillip A. Lee
1943 Mrs. F. W. Bailey
1945 Mrs. Roy G. Bose
1946 Mrs. Pearl Brittain
1947 Mrs. Telford Work
1948 Mrs. O. S. Larabee
1949 Mrs. Lucius Miner
1950 Mrs. L. Miner-Ellery
1952 Mrs. Hadtfield
1953 Mrs. J. M. Cotter
1954 Mrs. L. S. Ewing
1956 Mrs. H. A. DeWitt
1958 Mrs. Alfred Swanson
1960 Mrs. O. L. Huddleston
1962 Mrs. Victor J. Brucher
1964 Mrs. Charles Lee
1965 Mrs. F. McCassy
1966 Mrs. Owen Hill
1968 Mrs. Herbert Hoag
1968 Mrs. William Rule
1970 Mrs. Angelo Gamero
1972 Mrs. William Rule
1973 Mrs. C. F. Crittenden
1975 Mrs. Michael Haddad
1976 Mrs. L. Whitehouse
1977 Mrs. Joseph Klein
1979 Mrs. D. K. Park
1982 Mrs. William Marshall
1984 Mrs. Joseph Klein
1984 Mrs. Charles Lee
1984 Mrs. Michael Martini
1985 Mrs. Julian Binstock
1986 Mrs. Michael Haddad
1987 Mrs. Theo. LePine III
1988 Mrs. G. J. Kool
1989 Mrs. Fred Blum
1992 Mrs. D. K. Park
1992 Mrs. M. Oleson
1994 Mrs. Theo LePine III
1995 Mrs. William Marshall
1996 Mrs. Jack Copeland
1998 Mrs. G. G. Michel
1998 Mrs. William Marshall
2000 Mrs. Jocelyn Keagy
2002 Mrs. Alice Karl
2002 Mrs. G. G. Michel
2004 Mrs. Alice Karl
2005 Mrs. Jean Aroeste
2007 Mrs. Jocelyn Keagy
2008 Mrs. Jean Aroeste
2009 Mrs. Jean Aroeste
2010 Mrs. Trish Bowe
2011 Mrs. Trish Bowe
1935 Helen Beckwith
1936 Marcelle deBeauvoler
1937 Virginia Putman
1938 Jean Dyon
1939 Eva Christianson
1940 Ina Bitting
1941 Lelah Denning
1942 Joan Bitting
1943 Jean Roof
1944 Margaret Massey
1945 Rosanne Berry
1946 Myra Wilbur
1947 Kennie Armbruster
1948 Betty Linton
1949 Ann Jenewein
1954 Dorothy Larson
1955 Harriet Reisser
1956 Jeanine Petersen
1957 Vonnie Flowers
1958 Gwen Bailey
1960 Ana Priolo
1961 Norma MacLaurie-McQuade
1962 Jeannie Pastoriza-Weese
1963 Charlotte Wood
1964 Margie Moore
1965 Ina Burrows
1966 Nelle Minds
1967 Leslie Lynch
1968 Marge Dealey
1969 Martha Strang
1970 Adine Kretschmer
1971 Pat Collins
1972 Barbara Burkhart
1976 Janet Poole
1977 Judy Wright
1978 Cheryel Kanan
1979 Janet Walther
1980 Mary Ellen Schegel
1981 Chris Ruud
1982 Deann Wilken
1983 Eileen Horn
1984 Deann Wilken
1985 Janet Valadez
1986 Gina Jakel
1987 Kimberly Giancola
1988 Debbie Breech
1989 Marie Steckmest
1990 Chris Martinez
1991 Megan Kaufman
1992 Christie Harth
1993 Sandy Wertz
1994 Carol Sanborn
1995 Annette Brown
1996 Marla Seto
1997 Anne Conte
1998 Lisa Price
1999 Leigh Anne Baxter
2000 Erin Berman
2001 Cecilia Peck
2002 Marjorie Graham
2003 Nancy Smith
2004 Jenifer Byington
2005 Gina Vincent
2006 Megan Webber
2007 Annie Barnes
2008 Kim Kedeshian
2009 Alyssa MacMiller
2010 Ariane Sawyer
2011 Diane Morgan
Past PPJWC Presidents
Presidents of the Unified PPWC
2012 Patricia Grossman
2013 Kristin Sibson
2014 Terri Lyman
2015 Haldis Toppel
2016 Haldis Toppel
2017 Catherine Ruddy
2018 Robin Weitz
2019 Nancy Niles
2020 Nancy Niles
2021 Kathy Dunbar Later
2022 Jennifer Jones Church
2023 Samantha Dale
2023-2024 Board Members