The energy was on high, crowds were stretching their necks curious to see the latest bid for the silent auction. Inside the Bruce Lurie Gallery and outside in the back, people gathered, socializing, drinking their choice of wine or Tequilla, grazing over the assortment of h’orderves.
Meryl Starr outdid herself along with her team, which included Anna, Mollie, and Lan. On the night of the event Brenda, Lisa and Mia helped too. A lot of work, but well worth the effort. Meryl personally solicited for the event, including the donated items for the auction; Gelson’s donated the cheese trays and all the paper goods; Blue Ribbon donated the sushi; the liquor was donated from a friend; toward the end of the event Flour Pizza trotted over and delivered 8-pizza pies, once again donated.
There were 134 tickets sold, and that coupled with the proceeds from the auction totaled $8,000!!!! Great job everyone and thanks to Rich Schmitt for our photography!!
